Saturday, April 25, 2009


Time to get analysing I guess... Hey Phil, I better at least pass this cause I've given up a lot tonight to work on this
*would rather be elsewhere on a saturday night*
*opens Greening Australia page in contempt*
Alright... So the biggest thing I noticed is that I can't log in, or subscribe to anything. So that is the first thing that could be improved (though my expectations of a 2.0 site may be a little high), just under the menu bar is a drop down area that expands into a site map, very nice addition.
There is an area of interests section at the bottom, though I haven't seen it update since I first stumbled across the site, if this was updated and modified by site traffic it would be a good 2.0 feature.

After accessing their about us page I found a newsletter to subscibe to... maybe there was one on the front page and I didn't notice it. Flipping between different pages it would nice if each page in their about section wasn't a new page/link, but an field that updated when clicked on.
Maybe I have been on twitter, the applestore and other pages that load fields not pages when things are clicked on...

Whoa... just went to check the homepage for a subscribe thing and noticed how horrible the menu buttons roll over.

Oh yep there it is, the subscribe link is some little green text in a green box...

Maybe the community tab will prove promising- It seems as if it is just a re-iteration of the latest news, which is filterable by which state you live in. Though there is a calandar link to the side, the callendar is nice, but would be if events in your region stood out a little more...

This is enough Analysing to get started on the e-magazine thing.

1 comment:

  1. Just checked out greening aus. . This is part of the strategy of this assessment, connecting students and their friends/networks with a bit of social justice, solidarity, activism. I didn't know they had a site. The site is calm, a little animation to keep the attention up. The Gondwana project in WA is big, check it out. I didn't try to log on to any thing though I did check out the developers of this web site page and saw some of their other work. It is certainly more appealing than the PETA site.
