Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Web 2.0

Alright... the way I see this assignment thing, I probably need to work out what Web 2.0 actually means, cause at the moment, I don't really know. *hits up Google define:*
Web 2.0– Really more of a marketing term than a technical one, “Web 2.0″ refers to applications that allow direct interaction between a website visitor and the site. This is a departure from “traditional” web sites that simply allowed visitors to read static content and not post questions or interact with the site in any way.
That is probably the best explanation I can find...
Which clears things up a little which is nice. Well, I was thinking about a website to do this morning in the shower, well not so much trying to think of a website, but one sort of hit me when I reached for my shampoo bottle...

The problem I now face, after explaining the wonderments of this website which I believe to be 2.0 to Ned is that it isn't really a social or environmental issue...
But I don't really consider myself conservative when it comes to assessment guidelines... Usually push my luck and end up loosing a couple of marks, lol but I don't really mind.
So if anyone asks about the social issue, they are asking about bad hair (look even the site has a whole section on the issue of bad hair) and I guess I could play into the whole "not testing on animals" thing which I could also play on to take focus off the environmental issue.

anyway, now apparently I have to set my blog up to look similar to their website... So I had better do that.

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